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PROFESSIONAL BIAS -Your voice matters 

Medical professional bias refers to the tendency of healthcare providers to have preconceived notions or preferences that may impact their medical decisions, treatments, or interactions with patients based on factors such as personal beliefs, stereotypes, or past experiences. This bias can affect the quality of care and patient outcomes.

Would you like to complete our short, anonymous, questionnaire ?


There is a lot of research available on Professional Bias.

We, Ruby’s Voice Trust, are wanting to gather information from people with recent experience of Professional Bias whilst accessing healthcare. 

Our aim is to see how deeply embedded Professional Bias is in the healthcare system.
From this information we will determine the approach Ruby's Voice Trust takes to support those with, but not limited to,  Gastroparesis and Ehlers Danlos and other comorbidities , and the roadblocks encountered. 
Ruby and Steph suffered immeasurably as a result of Professional Bias and it is a something we, as a Trust, are passionate about addressing.
We would like to really challenge and combat the Professional Bias that is too often experienced. And that may mean holding those, who knowingly repeat the behaviour, to task.

The questionnaire has an "other" box in which we would value any opinions you may have. Also feel free to email us with further suggestions, any input you have is welcome.

The Trustees intend to do their best, on behalf of those who are unable to advocate for themselves, or feel speaking out could jeopardise their current care, to have a voice.

Optional: If you would like to offer an opinion please send us an email with your thoughts to Question 11.

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